Smiths Falls Public Library Board

In Ontario, public libraries are created by municipal by-laws and governed by public library boards, as outlined in the Public Libraries Act. After each municipal election, Town Council appoints library board trustees to serve a four-year term. The role of the library board is to provide oversight and to ensure that the library remains accessible, accountable, and relevant to the needs of the citizens of Smiths Falls and the Township of Montague.

Smiths Falls Public Library Board Meetings

Any member of the public wanting to attend a SFPL Board Meeting can call the library at 613-283-2911, or send an email to [email protected] for more information.

Board meetings are open to the public. The SFPL Board meets monthly, except during the summer. Members of the public who wish to give their opinions on matters relating to the library can make presentations, up to five minutes in length, to the SFPL Board. To do so, you must notify the board prior to the meeting so that your name can be added to the list of speakers.


Library Board Meeting Minutes