The Answers to 1000 Books Before Kindergarten

Who should participate? Parents of newborns right up to parents with children not yet in kindergarten.

What kinds of books should you choose?  Books you both enjoy. Books that rhyme. Depending on your child’s age, board books, picture books, nursery rhymes and age-appropriate non-fiction books.

Where should you read?  Anywhere you like…for example at home, while waiting at the doctor’s office or at the park. You can even read in the car!

Why should you read? Reading builds attachment and creates a lifelong bond with your child. It develops their language skills and prepares them for reading on their own.  It increases their vocabulary and equips them to succeed in school.  Reading develops their imagination.  It helps to increase their attention span and can have a calming effect as well.  Most of all it’s FUN!

When should you read? Any time you can.  Bedtime is ideal for most families. Try to make it a daily habit.  Don’t rush…enjoy this special time with your child.

How long will it take?  Reading 1000 books sounds daunting but if you read one book each day you will reach your goal in less than 3 years.  If you read three books daily, you will reach your goal in one year!

Check out these  titles available in our collection!

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